Select which map pack you prefer

How to install? See
Custom Map Installation @

Install the same as you did the 1.9.6 maps, except the folder in the instructions in \updates\ is changed to 1_9_7.

2 Map Types

Simple version - A Watercolor-type design map, as seen in the official client.

Detailed version - A more exact replica of the map

2 Text types (for each of the 2 map types = 4 options)

Minimal - Only the most important things, such as exits, storages, and important locations, have text markings of what they are.

Maximum - Every non-secret has a text indicator of what it is.

4K Detailed Versions! (New for 1.9.7)

If you have a monitor that's 4K, you may wish to select the 4K versions of the maps. They are 2048x2048px instead of the normal 1024x1024px.

These are designed for 4K, they are not just blown up versions of the normal maps. Thus you'll get a much crisper and detailed view than you would using FullHD maps in a 4K maximized screen.

If you select these, test them first by walking around and switching maps to ensure their loading time on map change isn't affecting you. If you notice a lag when changing maps you didn't have before, downgrade to the standard maps.

Only the Detailed versions of the maps have 4K. (The watercolor script used for the Simple versions simply doesn't make good results on larger maps.)

How to Choose?

Decide which map type design you prefer (simple or detailed), and then whether you want a lot of text markup or not (min or max).

Download your preference below.


Idaloran Simple Min

Simple Minimal

NOTICE! These are the ones that are included in the 1.9.7 client! If you want these, simply use your client as it is.

ANDROID USERS: Due to apk size limitations on the play store, you have smaller 512x512px versions of the tab maps by default. If you want to have better quality tab maps, you can grab these and install them as unofficial tab maps.

Download 1.9.7-01 Simple Minimal

Idaloran Simple Max

Simple Maximum

Same as the ones included in the 1.9.7 client, but with detailed text of insides and NPCs and such.

Download 1.9.7-01 Simple Max Version

Idaloran Detailed Min

Detailed Minimal

Exactly detailed version of the map, with only the minimally needed text.

Download 1.9.7-01 Detailed Min Version

4K Version

Only use these if you have a 4K monitor

Download 1.9.7-01 4K Detailed Min Version

Idaloran Detailed Max

Detailed Maximum

Exactly detailed version of the map, with all insides, NPCs, and so on given textual marking.

Download 1.9.7-01 Detailed Max Version

4K Version

Only use these if you have a 4K monitor

Download 1.9.7-01 4K Detailed Max Version

1.9.7-01 Change Log

  • Updated maps to include new locations and changes made with the 1.9.7 client
  • There are two new tab map files:
    1. invance - Same as Iscalrith, but with Invance limitations marked
    2. map4_insides - Tirnym and Tirnym Past Insides.
  • Every location where a fire can be started is now marked.
  • Archery Arena entrances, and boats requiring boat tickets have been marked with respective ticket images
  • A few random incorrectly marked or unmarked items are corrected, and some other general marks added. This includes adding text naming entrances to some more common locations.
  • The (unofficial) Epic Events map now has markup similar to official maps, and its entrance is marked on the PL map
  • All Tab map graphics, coloring, and text have been heavily improved.
  • Inside maps with lots of close locations should hopefully be more easy to comprehend.
  • Tab Maps are now in JPG format instead of DDS, which has better compression quality and lower file size

The not-so-frequently FAQ

What are these maps?
These are unofficial tab maps for the game Eternal Lands.
How do I use them?
You install them. See's installation instructions, but use 1_9_7 instead of 1_9_6 as the folder name.
What are all the letters or numbers on the Max maps?
On Maximum text maps, entrances to various buildings have a letter or number next to their dot or star. These indicate the building as it is shown on the applicable "insides" map. An A at a door on a primary map, for example, will be the door to the insides marked "A" on the insides map.
Go in a building marked with a letter, then when inside look at the tab map. You'll see you're in the building next to that letter.
Should I use the minimal or maximum text?
If you have to ask, use the Max maps. These are very extensively detailed. If you later find you don't need or want all that information, you can switch to the minimal pack.
How do I know which maps I have installed?
Compare the Idaloran map in your client with the images shown above.
I see an inside place on one of your maps, but it doesn't show how to get into it. Is this an error?
No. As you probably know, EL has many secret places and paths. Those paths, and how to enter those places, are not provided on BurnedMaps. It's up to you to find the entrance.
The maps are thoroughly checked, but if you do stumble on a place where the entrance isn't marked that is definitely not secret, contact Burn.
But Note: if a place is shown on these maps, you can definitely access it. Somehow.
Are there places we can go to not shown on BurnedMaps?
As a regular player, no. My BurnedMaps cover every possible place you can go as a player as of the date of their release.
The other maps you may see elm files for in your client are not part of the game. They're maps for testing, or moderator usage, or simply just weren't finished or implemented.
Why is there no markings on the guild maps?
Guild maps are secrets, simply put. The very basic map was provided solely for mapwalking, but nothing else will be provided.